Future plans for fernhill estate revealed
Published: 18 January 2021 at 10:32 am

Greater Sydney Parklands has revealed its plan to create a sustainable future for Western Sydney’s iconic Fernhill Estate, opening the Estate for the community to enjoy while protecting its natural and cultural heritage.
Chief Executive of Greater Sydney Parklands, Suellen Fitzgerald said the draft Fernhill Estate Plan of Management 2030 (the draft Plan) is a major milestone and follows a strong community response about future uses of the Estate.
“The draft Plan and activation for Fernhill Estate supports and aligns with the vision and strategic directions established in the NSW Government’s 50-year Vision for Greater Sydney’s Open Space and Parklands,” Ms Fitzgerald said.
“The Plan outlines a sustainable model to manage, open up and activate the entire Estate for current and future generations. This includes protecting Fernhill House, its bushland habitat and wildlife, offering high-quality recreation facilities and maintaining all vital services.
This is increasingly important as many more people will be living, working and visiting this broader area of Greater Sydney over the next 10 years.” The draft Plan will be used to shape and guide work to protect, activate and celebrate Fernhill Estate with a clear vision and management priorities outlined for the next decade.
“The draft Plan also creates opportunities for more people to enjoy this special place through different activities such as picnicking with friends, visiting Fernhill House, exercising on walking or cycling paths or attending an event or celebration,” said Ms Fitzgerald.
“I’m delighted by the interest and support for Fernhill Estate and encourage the community to share their feedback with us.”
Thank you for your feedback.
Greater Sydney Parklands invited feedback on the draft Plan, which was on public exhibition until 1 February 2021.this is now closed. Thank you to all who contributed. We're excited to see what you said and will let you know more information once we have it.
This community feedback will inform the final Plan of Management to be adopted by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces in early 2021.
For more information, please visit www.westernsydneyparklands.com.au/fernhill
Media contact – Claire Thompson 0499 933 589